NICA’s GRiT Girls Know How to Shred! Meet Sarah Howard

This is the second of many interviews from the Pennsylvania MTB NICA League’s amazing GRiT (Girls Riding Together) camp that they hosted this summer in PA. I was lucky enough to go and got a chance to  meet so many incredible girls with fantastic advice to share (like our first girl from the camp, Madeline Clancy!). Today, meet Sarah Howard, a 13 year old in her first year of riding.

How did you get started riding?

My science teacher in sixth grade was a coach for the team and he really works to recruit more girls for the team every year. So I thought, ‘I’ll check it out.’ And I loved it. My dad used to ride, and he got back into it when I started riding. I also do triathlons and 5Ks, and I play tennis and do karate and golf.

How do you balance all of that?

It’s really busy!

What made you love it?

I like going down the hills—the feeling of just being free. How you feel great after it. How it’s a great exercise. How you can always challenge yourself.

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Hardest part?

Going up the hills, but it’s always worth it at the top.

Best advice?

Every time you fail, you learn something new. So it’s OK to fail when you ride, because it means you keep learning.

Advice for making friends in cycling?

Just be nice and try to start conversations. Girls there are just like you, so it’s not as scary as you think it’ll be.

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Best moment at GRiT Camp?

At camp, I loved capture the flag!

Proudest cycling moment so far?

Seeing how I’m improving over the year. When I think back to where I started last year, it’s like, ‘Wow, how was I not able to do something and now I am’? But I know it’s because I’ve kept practicing and I can see those improvements.

Goals in cycling?

To build up my endurance and try new stuff this season. I want to focus on becoming a better rider—and maybe get podium at some races!


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