Moving Stories
For Strong Girls
By Strong Girls

💪 Love sports? Love Books? Whatever Your Story Is, We’re Here for you. 📚

🚴🏻‍♀️ Our Faves for Cyclists 🚴🏻‍♀️


The latest gear + Books for athletic girls

5% of net profits are donated directly to foundations + nonprofits bringing more girls into sport

Our Why

Girls drop out of sport for many reasons. This leads to lowered self-esteem along with health problems that can stem from inactivity.

7 in 10 girls who quit sports during puberty said they didn’t feel like they belonged in sports, according to the survey from Always of more than 1,000 girls ages 16 to 24.

More than 1 in 5 girls leave sport after age 16 and 5 in 10 are missing out on sport entirely, according to the Rally Report by Canadian Women in Sport.

By the age of 14, girls drop out of sports at 2x the boys’ rate. Last year, 57% of American youth ages 3-17 rode a bicycle according to People for Bikes. From ages 3-9, boys and girls ride at same rate, but at 10, there’s a significant drop off for girls.

Studies have shown that girls will embrace more traditionally “boy” activities when presented with images that show other girls engaging in them.

That’s where Strong Girl Publishing comes in. We tell those stories.

Our Authors

Our goal is to create a space to young women athletes who are looking for a platform to share their voices. We know that 80% of elite female athletes surveyed by Parity Now said they earned under $5,000 from sponsorships in 2023 and 41% of athletes paid $10,000 or more out of pocket to compete. 64% of these athletes report feeling very or extremely stressed about money.

Strong Girl Publishing offers them a way to fund their dream.

At Strong Girl Publishing, our athlete authors aren’t just great at their sports: We celebrate girls and women as multifaceted individuals who don’t fit into any one box. They’re strong women, but not just physically.

They can be anything: They can be into punk rock and want to PR their 5K. They can love fashion while figuring out how to get grass stains out of their soccer uniform. They can read books on the team bus instead of being part of the singalong, or they can be the one who starts up the Sweet Caroline moment. They can wear mascara on the start line—for themselves, not for anyone else.

We believe that every girl and woman contains multitudes, and every girl and woman can tap into her inner athlete, on and off the playing field. And our authors aren’t just creating a product. They’re supported with friendship, with mentorship, with whatever they need in the process.

Our Story

After authoring the popular Shred Girls series, Molly Hurford noticed that there weren’t many options available for young girls who wanted to read books that showed them athletic options that were available to them. Talking to young female athletes who also wanted to share their stories, she realized there was a way to add visibility for girls in sport while offering a path to publishing for young women with stories to tell.


Not only do our author-athletes make money on every single book sale, we donate a percentage of our net profits to organizations like Fast and Female, who are working to help more girls discover a love of sport.

In 2024, we donated over 75 books to organizations including CAN Fund, which directly support women athletes. We donated time and funds to Fast and Female, spoke at over a dozen schools and youth organizations including NICA’s GRiT programs, and handed out hundreds of stickers to young girls who are learning that they can be anything.

Strong Girl Talk

Whether you’re a strong girl yourself or are raising one, this show is for you.

Author & Strong Girl Publishing founder Molly Hurford and Dr. Sasha Gollish, Executive Director of Yellow Running Shoes, have teamed up to bring you Strong Girl Talk, a new show will cover the latest in sports science with a focus on women and girls, as well as trending topics around gender equity in sports.

Strong Girl Talk from Strong Girl Publishing, hosted by Molly Hurford and Sasha Gollish, has the potential to become a valuable resource for women and girls in sports, offering a unique blend of personal experiences, expert knowledge, and cutting-edge research.

Molly Hurford is a renowned writer, podcaster, and athlete with extensive experience in cycling, running, and nutrition. She has a passion for getting women and girls excited about outdoor adventures and sports.

Dr. Sasha Gollish is an elite runner, researcher and engineer with a deep commitment to gender equity in sports. As a sport scientist, she explores the intersection of physiology, performance, and inclusion, particularly in relation to women and girls in athletics. An advocate for evidence-based approaches to training, competition, and well-being, she has been open about her experiences with perimenopause and its effects on performance.

The Shred Girls Series is now part of Strong Girl Publishing

“This feel-good sports book all about girl power emphasizes strong friendship, not making assumptions, and putting yourself out there. Lindsay’s journey in finding her own style and doing things that scare her will inspire any young reader.”

-Kristina Pino, Booklist

Every girl deserves to see herself in sport

In publishing, there is a space in the market for smart books about girls in different facets of sport—both in terms of books where sport is the primary topic, and books where sport is simply a natural part of the narrative.

Traditional publishers still don’t see this space as one that is viable commercially.

We strongly disagree. And we’re going to prove it.

Copyright 2025 | web design by Molly Hurford | cover art by Pip Claffey